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Happy Bokeh raining Day

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We Eat Light

How To Articles This page contains articles we wrote to help you maintain your own computers. Use these as a guide to help keep your equipment up to date and spyware free.

I’m a firm believer in FREE software. I have found many utilities and programs which can do most of the work in network discovery and maintenance. I will list these programs as needed and describe how they can be used in any environment. I originally wrote an article which was broken down into three installments and published by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Suffolk County. I have since enhanced and reorganized these concepts to make it easier for you to develop a maintenance plan of your own.

First Step: Document each part of the system

There are many pieces of information that can be obtained from the equipment either directly or through the use of some simple tools. This information should be recorded in a spread sheet and encrypted. Standard encryption using Excel’s password feature is not sufficient if this data is placed on a portable medium such as a USB key. There are free encryption programs available.

Decide what your company can perform

Setting unrealistic goals will lead to failure. Start with critical components and build upon the routine. Never expect yourself or your staff to accomplish all the steps we do on a regular basis.

Determine a maintenance schedule

Although we perform every function at every maintenance interval, some functions are less critical and can be performed every other or every third cycle along with the priority tasks.

Tasks that can be automated

Some tasks can be performed at night automatically. If the stations are left on periodically, you can schedule scans, reboots and other maintenance functions automatically.

Follow Up

Having a good maintenance schedule can prevent many down time hours. When issues are found, they should be investigated in a timely manner. Several sources are available, including this site.